In this article video we will learnt how to localization flutter app to multi-languages, demonstrating how we can Localize a Flutter application and Also how To change the Language with RTL or LTR direction text and image, without Restarting the Application.
Also, this application is persisting the selected used shared_preferences package with button switcher between languages
Video tutorial
8- home page
Create HomePage class StatefulWidget in new file
We use getTranslated(context, ''), to get translated text #import_library
We add Dropdown Button for manual control with language-switcher #import_library
and call _changeLanguage function to change Language code #import_library
this is the ui of _drawerList widget
this the ui of _mainPadding widget
8-setting page
Create SettingsPage class StatefulWidget in new file #impoet_library
9-about page
Create AboutPage class StatefulWidget in new file #import_library
10- CustomRouter class
Create CustomRouter class in new file to control with navigator between page #import_library
10.1- route_constants
11- set up onGenerateRoute
In main.dart file set up the route to control with navigatation between pages
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